Versatile display for engineered stone countertops-SRT202

Versatile display for engineered stone countertops-SRT202

Crafted from premium natural stone materials such as granite, Marmor, and quartz, these display racks exhibit an array of textures, colors, and patterns, each bearing a unique aesthetic appeal.



Schausteller aus Quarzstein,Tischregal aus Stein

Erscheinungsbild Größe:Anpassbar
Verwendetes Feld:Zeigen, Reklame, Beförderung, Verkauf von Fliesen- und Steinmustern
Lieferzeit:20-25 Werktage
Herkunftsort:Fujian (Begriffsklärung, China (Festland)
Logo-Druck:wie pro antrag des kunden
Oberfläche:Siebdruck, Logo drucken, Aufkleber
Material:Hochwertiges Acryl

The tiered structure allows for an organized and visually appealing showcase of various quartz countertop samples. It enables potential customers or designers to view a range of designs, colors, and patterns in a space-efficient and accessible manner, facilitating easier decision-making.


Tsianfan offers customizable solutions for quartz countertop displays, ensuring that the design meets specific showroom or exhibition space requirements. Their expertise in crafting tailored displays allows for unique tiered arrangements, optimizing the presentation of quartz countertop samples for maximum impact.

·Quality assurance

Moreover, Tsianfan prioritizes quality assurance, guaranteeing that each display unit is crafted with precision and durability to securely exhibit the quartz countertops. Their attention to detail ensures that the displays not only enhance the aesthetics but also provide a safe and stable platform for the showcased countertops.

·One-stop service

Tsianfan’s one-stop service approach further solidifies their advantage. From conceptualization to manufacturing and installation, they offer comprehensive support, streamlining the process for businesses. This inclusive service not only saves time but also assures clients of a seamless experience, ensuring that their quartz countertop displays meet the highest standards while aligning with their specific branding and marketing goals.

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Vitrine aus Quarzstein